Evnia Supports Dr Anna Karapatsia In Her Participation In The Digital Health And Health Management Master’s Program At The University Of Western Macedonia

At Evnia, we support those who are dedicated and committed to their work and to striving for excellence.

This time, we are proud to support one of our own; Dr Anna Karapatsia, Senior Medical Writer at Evnia for the last five years.
With a Diploma in Chemical Engineering, a doctorate in Biotechnology and a postdoctoral position at the Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH), Anna has achieved many academic accomplishments. She chose however to further expand her knowledge and understanding of the field, by applying to be part of the Digital Health and Health Management Master’s Program, of the Electrical and Computer School of Engineering at the University of Western Macedonia, in Greece.
We happily decided to support her in her endeavour and to fund her participation in the program.

Anna works with Clinical Evaluation Reports (CER) and Post Market Clinical Follow-up (PMCF) activities, navigating through Real World Evidence (RWE) to support quality of patient care. Her decision to enrol at the Digital Health and Health Management Master’s Program stemmed from a need to be up to date with the latest digital technologies. It all started with an article she cowrote with other members of the Evnia team, that gave her the opportunity to explore the advancements of Digital Technologies and made her realise the potential there is in expanding her knowledge in that direction. By participating in the Digital Health and Health Management Master’s Program, Anna aspires to be able to implement digital technologies in her work aiming to assess available clinical data and align them with regulatory requirements in healthcare, so she can provide more efficient solutions to our clients and ultimately to patients and healthcare professionals.

Being able to make a difference in patients’ wellbeing and knowing that her work has an impact on people’s everyday life, is her biggest motivation. This motivation stirred her towards the Medical Devices Industry and Life Sciences in the first place where, as she says, “the knowledge is infinite” and continuously drives her to seek more skills. Working at Evnia the last five years, where “everyday learning is the usual practice” as she mentions, has taught her that there is no finish line when it comes to research and gaining knowledge.

Creating an environment that encourages personal growth and dedication, is one of our biggest achievements here at Evnia. We could only commend and actively support Anna’s decision to strive to seek and ultimately find answers that will make a difference in her work and the community.

“Evnia and Stathis Vassiliadis over the 5 past years have taught me to pursue my goals, aim high and continuously grow. With knowledge gained on current trends on digital technologies implemented in health sector, Evnia and I hope that we would introduce new techniques into our PMCF activities service to collect clinical data, based on our resources as Evnia Group or through our strategic partnerships.” – Dr Anna Karapatsia