Evnia presents the Ethical Considerations Roadmap of the 2D-BioPAD EU Project

During the 2D-BioPAD EU-project’s 2nd Consortium Meeting in Barcelona on 17-18 April, Evnia’s project manager Gitte Juel Holst contributed with perspectives on how to apply ethics in the project and guide the project work to be performed in an ethically acceptable manner.

It was a pleasure to present and discuss six ethical principles that should be incorporated in the project to ensure ethical considerations and actions are implemented throughout the life cycle of the project comprising: 1) Legal and Regulatory Compliance, 2) Public Good, 3) Data Security and Confidentiality, 4) Methodological Quality, 5) Public views and Engagement, and 6) Transparency.

The presentation led to stimulating discussion on how to enhance consciousness and a responsible implementation on ethics in the 2D-BioPAD project.

The full (standalone) version of the ECR has been upload as a public resource on the 2D-BioPAD website.

Ethical Considerations Roadmap of the 2D_BIOPAD Project: Summary