World Aids Day 2023

Today is World AIDS day, a day dedicated to raise awareness to a disease that is still affecting lives globally.

AIDS stands for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and is caused by infection with HIV. HIV is a virus that infects the immune system cells which results with the depletion of the immune system. AIDS is the last stages of an infection with HIV.

HIV, usually asymptomatic at first, can be transmitted through blood transfusion, penetrative sex, sharing needles that have been contaminated, and through childbirth and breastfeeding if the mother is positive. A person that has HIV cannot transmit the virus when they receive antiretroviral therapy, as they are no longer infectious. Contacting the virus can be prevented by using condoms and getting tested frequently when having different partners, maintaining hygiene standards in medical settings as well as getting post-exposure preventative treatment.

The peak of the AIDS epidemic may be long behind us, but the fight against AIDS is relevant as ever. Last year, 630000 people died from complications related to AIDS and it is estimated that 39 million were living with HIV around the world.

There is however hope to end AIDS. Access to therapy and testing is crucial and is the key. Awareness and destigmatization are also essential. So today, we invite you to read more about AIDS, listen and support those affected and wear a red ribbon to spread awareness!